
Feminist rants

Stockholm Syndrome & Emotional Abuse – Part II

[cn/tw: emotional abuse, psychological abuse, just… all the abuse, really] This is Part II of a 2 part series on Stockholm Syndrome & Emotional Abuse. Find Part I here. Find the Part I twitter thread here and the Part II twitter thread here. If you’ve read the first part on Stockholm Syndrome, you may have … Continue readingStockholm Syndrome & Emotional Abuse – Part II

Stockholm Syndrome & Emotional Abuse – Part I

[cn/tw: emotional abuse, psychological abuse, just… all the abuse, really] This is Part I of a 2 part series on Stockholm Syndrome & Emotional Abuse. Find Part II here. Find the Part I twitter thread here and the Part II twitter thread here. With everything that’s going on with #SurvivingRKelly – and how the conversation … Continue readingStockholm Syndrome & Emotional Abuse – Part I

For My Dudes: #NotAllMen, Toxic Masculinity and Being Better Bros

Hello dudes! Picture this: you’re scrolling through twitter, minding your own business, liking tweets about your favorite sports team or music artist, maybe even a funny meme or an article, and there it is…a tweet asking women about their experiences with being harassed by men. You feel that little twinge in your chest, a clutch … Continue readingFor My Dudes: #NotAllMen, Toxic Masculinity and Being Better Bros

Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman: Listening in the Name of Intersectionality

  Coming off the high of Ghostbusters last summer, the first Wonder Woman trailer dropped. I wrote an article about the importance of the movie to me. I dug up a story from my childhood about Wonder Woman and waxed poetic about how much this movie would mean to me. My feminism and social justice … Continue readingWonder Woman: Listening in the Name of Intersectionality

Matt Walsh Doesn’t Care About Women’s Sports

Dear Matt Walsh, Kindly take your patriarchal condescension and shove it. If I for one second ever believe that you give a flying fuck about women’s sports, please, let my friends know that I’ve been abducted by aliens. Can you do that for me, Matt Walsh? That would be awesome.  I’ve scrolled through your history, … Continue readingMatt Walsh Doesn’t Care About Women’s Sports

Casey Affleck is an Asshole

Stop defending assholes who don’t need defending This was a twitter rant this morning, if you prefer it in twitter form it’s available here: https://twitter.com/i/moments/838062488822366210 If you prefer it in essay form, here you go: Dear white folks who want to argue Casey Affleck with me… Please read this first as I’m tired of saying … Continue readingCasey Affleck is an Asshole