Woman laughing while looking at something on her phone.

When Twitter Threads Fly Away

Hey folks, Twitter users, Facebook users, Tumblr users, Internet users, we’ve got a problem. I wrote a thread yesterday on why I don’t like Twitter thread compilers, and it’s been a bit more popular than I anticipated. I’ll restate some key points of the thread here in this blog, but it’s actually all part of … Continue readingWhen Twitter Threads Fly Away

Photo of man on laptop in a large room filled with others also on laptops.

In Mother Russia… Culture Changes You

Let’s talk about Russia. Because I think there’s a real cultural difference in how we in the West understand surveillance and what’s actually happening with Russian efforts so we have a hard time believing the depth of what’s going on. A Different Kind of Culture My parents are diplomats. They were posted to Russia in … Continue readingIn Mother Russia… Culture Changes You

Photo of desk in front of a window surrounded by mess. Photo by Oleksii Hlembotskyi on Unsplash

ADHD Organization/Disorganization

I received a message on twitter about ADHD and Organization/Disorganization. The response twitter thread has been screenshot and shared around on Facebook, but I thought I’d put some of the tips into a blog post for you! There are lots of tools and tricks, but a big step is accepting that you will forget things, … Continue readingADHD Organization/Disorganization

Stockholm Syndrome & Emotional Abuse – Part II

[cn/tw: emotional abuse, psychological abuse, just… all the abuse, really] This is Part II of a 2 part series on Stockholm Syndrome & Emotional Abuse. Find Part I here. Find the Part I twitter thread here and the Part II twitter thread here. If you’ve read the first part on Stockholm Syndrome, you may have … Continue readingStockholm Syndrome & Emotional Abuse – Part II

Stockholm Syndrome & Emotional Abuse – Part I

[cn/tw: emotional abuse, psychological abuse, just… all the abuse, really] This is Part I of a 2 part series on Stockholm Syndrome & Emotional Abuse. Find Part II here. Find the Part I twitter thread here and the Part II twitter thread here. With everything that’s going on with #SurvivingRKelly – and how the conversation … Continue readingStockholm Syndrome & Emotional Abuse – Part I

For My Dudes: #NotAllMen, Toxic Masculinity and Being Better Bros

Hello dudes! Picture this: you’re scrolling through twitter, minding your own business, liking tweets about your favorite sports team or music artist, maybe even a funny meme or an article, and there it is…a tweet asking women about their experiences with being harassed by men. You feel that little twinge in your chest, a clutch … Continue readingFor My Dudes: #NotAllMen, Toxic Masculinity and Being Better Bros